

About this Site

Due to the highly charged nature of this topic, with its associated censorship and frequet ad hominem attacks on anyone questioning vaccine safety, the authors have chosen to remain anonymous.

These facts were primarily assembled by a Johns Hopkins preventive medicine/public health trained physician. He was assisted by six other physicians with specialties in preventive medicine, occupational and environmental medicine, integrative medicine, integrative pediatrics, psychiatry, surgery, and OB/GYN, along with three PhDs, and several English major word-crafters and fact checkers.

Legitimate inquirers can obtain specifics using the contact form.

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are
not allowed to criticize
. —Voltaire

This is a work-in-progress with almost no budget. Knowledgable volunteers are sought to locate additional facts, improve some of the citations, and recommend other resources to improve this site.

Also needed are persons experienced with promotion via FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. with the ability to avoid censorship.

Please use the contact form to tell us about your skills.