Spread the Word

Spread the Word

Tools for Spreading the Word
Please share this information to friends and colleagues with these tools:

Sample editable text you can personalize and send to people who are likely to be open to these facts.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
(Caution: Posting material that questions vaccine safety is usually flagged—even Messenger is being censored).

Paper Handouts
You can distribute, or post on bulletin boards, this downloadable  mini-poster with the ten statements.

In addition to the PDF, there is a link (in parentheses) to an editable MS Word file you can personalize with your contact information, etc.:
US Letter—PDF
A4—PDF (Australian version)

Note: If leaving us here, please take the short evaluation questionnaire so we can see if we’ve contributed to your knowledge.

Next section: Concerns about the COVID-19 Vaccines

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